Thursday, August 02, 2007

Pictures and Poultry from The Sherburne County Fair

So we went to the county fair across the river with our dear friend Dan and his friend Patrick. We encountered the entire gay population of Saint Closet.

I of course was interested in the excursion as a cultural experience but seeing as it is rude to take pictures of people I instead took pictures of poultry.

Polish Howdans.

Booted Pigeons . (priest is the name of the breed I think)

A pretty little Bantam rooster.

And an assortment of other fowl; all brought to you by the 4-H.

I also went to my first cow auction. It was fascinating and somewhat sad but unfortunately the camera was not working at the time so no pictures of cows.

I did get a few pictures of the local sports club exhibit though. Is it conservation if it is done by Republicans?

Fish; it's like a Chinese Restaurant but with more deep fried food

Minnesota is odd.
